Why Save Water

/ Why Save Water

Although, more than 70% of earth surface is made up of water, less than 1% is available for our use, with more than 97% water in oceans and out of balance 3% fresh water resource, 70% is in the form of glaciers.

Inspite of water being such a limited resource, we are polluting our rivers, discharging waste water without treating into public sewers and at times directly into lakes and rivers and making situation grimmer, every single day.

Here are some of the reasons to save water.
Water is a limited and finite resource. You cannot create water; you can only conserve it.
No safe water – 800 million people lack access to save drinking water.
India’s water demand is growing at an alarming rate due to burgeoning population. India’s population has increased from 439 million (1961) to 1210 million (2011) in 50 years, average decadal growth of 20%, which is phenomenal.
Water availability per capita per year has dropped from 1816 m3 (2001) to 1,545 m3 (2011) and is projected to go down to 1,340 m3 by 2025. A nation is categorized as water stressed, if per capita water availability is less than 1700 m3 per year.

With rising population, rapid urbanization, and emergence of water-intensive industries, even if the supply remains constant, we are moving towards increased scarcity.
Why Save Water     Why Save Water

Water is essential for life; for our survival, and for survival for entire ecosystem. 2/3rd of our body is made up of water, so is for other organisms. We cannot survive beyond 3 days without water.
Why Save Water       Why Save Water

Water bodies (rivers, lakes and ponds) are either polluted or sacrificed for rising population and increased urbanization.
Water is essential for our economy; agricultural, construction, and industries cannot function without water.
Without agriculture, we would not get food to eat. We will starve to death without water.
You would not be able to do any work without water. We require water for all activities including drinking, bathing, cooking, washing, and flushing.
Saving water will result in reduced water and energy bills. Reduction in waste water treatment and maintenance charges etc.
1 in 5 people do not have access to safe drinking water. Water in your toilets is cleaner than what close a billion people get to drink.
Why Save Water

2.5 billion people do not have access to adequate sanitation.
Why Save Water

Farmers are committing suicide as they have no water for irrigation with groundwater aquifers completely dried off and monsoons are always unpredictable.
Why Save Water     Why Save Water

It is said that the third world war is going to be on water. With major disputes across countries and across states on water sharing, this does not seem to be a far-fetched statement.
Why Save Water




